Monday, October 7, 2013

Blog #3

Privatization has an effect on vocational schools because the federal government does not create a lot of vocational schools.  If the SKILLS act is pasted there will be even less federal vocational schools because of consolidation.  Because of this the privet sector is dominating this facet of education.  Furthermore, the government used to train and hire workers for their own use.  Now the government has privet educators train workers ad then hires workers through privet companies who have workers, managers, and executives.  This makes work more expensive because the privet company acts as a middleman.  If the government trained and hired its own workers then training would have to pay less for training and the government, and by extension the taxpayer, would have to pay less for skilled labor. On the other hand, privatization creates more opportunities for business so workers can potentially move up into executive positions.  

1 comment:

  1. My impression is the same: more and more vocational schools are private. Some were described in "College, Inc." which might be a useful source.
